Isabell Berzsenyi

Get to know Izzy

Picture of me

Hi I'm Izzy Berzsenyi!

I'm a third year Computer Science student at Northeastern University. Currently, I am taking the fall semester off of school to work at Thermo Fisher Scientific, as a Software Engineering co-op. My love for programming can be traced back to my first semester of freshman year and I have not looked back since. I enjoy learning and applying various programming languages to solve challenging problems. When I'm not behind a computer, you can find me on a plane to a new country. I have gotten the amazing opportunity to spend over 6 years living abroad in Europe. During my times abroad, I have learned to be appreciative, adaptable and fully immersed in different cultures.



Northeastern University | Boston, MA

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Expected: Dec 2021

GPA: 3.7

Relevant Courses

  • Object-Oriented Design:

    Programming course that introduced the concepts of object-oriented programming. Class, inheritance, polymorphism, inheritance vs. composition and many other topics were covered. I learned how to approach a given problem and create a thoughtful solution from start to finish through the indepth weekly assignments.

  • Fundamentals of Computer Science 1 and 2:

    A two part programming course that introduces the ideas of computing and programming for beginners. These courses teach students how to program in Dr. Racket (Fundies 1) and Java (Fundies 2). Through these courses, I have learned to feel comfortable with coding in Java and applying concepts like inheritance, recursion and polymorphism.

  • Logic and Computation:

    Logic course that introduces the concepts of logic and how it can be applied to Computer Science courses. Main ideas are taught through the usage of programming to better understand how to prove termination and speed of programs, along with logic concepts: propositional and first- order logic, induction, etc. This course was a good introduction to many new ideas to me (termination) and a good reinforcement of ideas learned in Discrete Structures (induction, logic and speed).

  • Discrete Structures:

    Mathematical course that teaches mathematical structures and methods that are vital to computer science concepts. This course covered sets, sequences, lists, trees, graphs, counting, ordering and many other concepts. Through this course I became familiarized with these ideas through difficult weekly homework assignments and regular quizzes.

  • Differential Equations and Linear Algebra:

    Mathematical course that taught the concepts of differential equations and how they can be applied to Engineering problems. Topics I learned include linear and nonlinear first and second order equations applied to forced oscillation, resonance and mechanical systems. In addition the course covered, matrices, vector spaces and eigenvectors/eigenvalues applied to systems of differential equations.


Programming Languages:

C++, Java, Javascript (Intermediate), HTML, CSS, Command Line, Dr. Racket, SQL (Intermediate)


React (Intermediate), Bootstrap




English (Native), Hungarian (Fluent), French (Intermediate)


Thermo Fisher Scientific

July 2019 - Current

Software Engineering Co-op

Boston, Massachussetts

  • Participate and contribute in daily sprint meetings and bi-weekly planning and retrospective meetings
  • Curate solutions to bugs and customer issues on released products
Luxfer Holdings, PLC.

May 2018 - August 2018

Intern, Investor Relations

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  • Proposed and implemented new architecture and design for corporate website, done by reorganizing information and pages (see:
  • Developed and revised written content on the website to make information more readable and up to date
  • Led communication with international vendors and business unit managers to collaborate on ideas and execute design


Easy Animator
svg of moving ellipse and rectangle


Java, Group, School

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Simple HTML Website
Simple resume website jpg.


Java, Personal

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Marble Solitaire
Triangle marble solitaire.


Java, Group, School

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Isabell Berzsenyi




